Hi !
My names Hannah and I'm a West Midlands based photographer. I started photography back in 2019 when I started college – I’d never experimented with photography before but didn’t know what I wanted to do and thought photography could be a fun hobby for me. I ended up absolutely loving it ! I experimented with a lot of different types of photography in college – documentary, portraiture, fashion etc. I found documentary the most appealing to me at that time.
Once college ended, I decided I still wanted to pursue photography and headed off to university to study it, in my first year I again experimented with different forms of photography, film vs digital, studio vs street etc. In my second year I started to get more of an idea of where I wanted to take my photos – I wanted to do feminist-based work. As a woman in a very male dominated industry, I feel it is important to get my voice heard on issues that women are facing, such as sexism and misogyny. As a society we don’t talk about these issues enough, and with my practise I wanted to put those issues out there. So, for around two years I’ve created projects that discuss issues surrounding feminism and gender.
While the subject I discuss is important, I wanted my images to be bright and colourful to catch people’s attention quickly. For my most recent project I’ve used food to discuss these problems, by using food I’m discussing beauty standards, gender roles and femininity. You can check out this work on my ‘what I’m currently working on’ section !

You can also follow me on Instagram where I post various other projects I’m working on and lots of behind the scenes !

I hope you like my work ! Thank you for reading !

Han ​​​​​​​
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